Update 30.03.2022

Some time ago we received information that Valentina from Kharkiv, as a private person, had taken in 54 cats and 4 dogs from the street that had been abandoned by people fleeing the war. Unfortunately, there is also a problem with the food. During one of the last pet food deliveries for animal shelters in Kharkiv, we had a decent package for Valentina thanks to your support.
We are very grateful to Valentina for what she is doing. Despite the fact that she lives in bombed Kharkiv, Valentina has found the strength and the will to save animals. Such commitment is by no means a matter of course. We also thank her for asking us for help. Our thanks also go to Antje, who acted as a mediator and was also very committed to Ukraine.


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Thanks to your generosity, we are helping animals and people suffering from the effects of war. So far we have delivered seven vans, a truck and a large truck with 33 tonnes of animal food, groceries, fuel and power batteries for the staff of the Kharkiv animal shelters. Plus two pallets of medical supplies and bandages, as well as tools and work clothes for the military unit in Zloczow. We also transferred the collected money several times to the bank accounts of the two animal shelters in Kharkiv.
This was only possible thanks to you – so we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your kindness and for the help you continue to give to those in need.

Update 26.03.2022

The truck with your donations for the people and animals from Ukraine has arrived at the warehouse near Lviv, where it was unloaded. Now the items will be collected by cars from the two Kharkiv shelters as before.
Thank you very much for your great help. It is all thanks to you!

Update 24.03.2022


Yesterday, the loading of the truck lasted until late at night. It was loaded with food and medicine for needy animals from the Kharkiv shelters, food for their carers and aid for the army. Thank you for your donations, without your support we could not have filled the truck. Every day we receive many packages from you with donations for Ukraine. You are amazing!

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Hint: You can turn on English or German Subtitles.

Update 24.03.2022


Marek already took over the cats evacuated from the Poratunok Twaryn shelter in Kharkiv yesterday. There are 30 animals, and although they are chipped, vaccinated and have papers, this time there were problems at the 🇺🇦 -🇵🇱 border to let so many animals through. Fortunately, this is in the past, the animals have already arrived in Szewce. 


The video of the handover of the animals in Ukraine ->

Hint: You can turn on English or German Subtitles.

Update 24.03.2022


A large shipment of animal food for animal shelters in Kharkiv is currently being loaded. The transport will start today and, as usual, everything will be taken to a warehouse near Lviv. From there, it will then be collected by two animal shelters, which we have already reported on recently.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your commitment, for delivering so many animal food packages and much more. Every day we receive new deliveries from you, with which we can support needy animals in Ukraine. You are great, thank you so much!

We would also like to thank our friends from UNA Union für das Leben e.V. Tierrettungsdienst, who once again provided us with donations from Germany. We are very grateful and happy that our western neighbours are also committed to Ukraine.

Update 24.03.2022


There is some new news – there has been a slight change of plans. Instead of tomorrow, Marek has already set off today. Like every week, he is driving a car full of pet food for the animals from the shelter in Kharkov. On the way back, he will take 30 cats that were evacuated from the shelter in Kharkiv. The departure has been expedited so that the animals can reach Benkowo as soon as possible and without unnecessary waiting. We will keep you updated. The loading of the announced truck with relief goods for animals and people will be carried out as planned. We will start loading the truck today.

Hint: You can turn on English or German Subtitles.

Update  16.03.2022


Ms Nina is safe now. She is with her family. Zilda, Nina’s beloved shepherd dog, is also with them. Because she is a big dog, Nina could not leave Kharkov for a long time. The love she feels for Zilda did not allow her to leave. She waited. Either they would leave together or stay in the house, which fortunately remained. None of the people who left wanted to take Nina with such a big dog. Eventually Nina and Zilda managed to arrive in Lvov together. They escaped the war by train. When we heard about Nina, we decided without hesitation to take her to Poland to your daughter. The family should be together. Especially now. Ewa and Maria picked Nina up at the station. She was frozen through, hungry and scared, but happy that soon they would both be far away from the place where people and animals die, where Zilda would no longer be frightened by the crashing of bombs and guns. 

The encounter with Nina was full of emotions, compassion, tears, but also admiration for our girls. There is no other way to react when we realize that someone has not eaten for three days, but the most important thing for them is the calmness and safety of the animal. This short story of Nina and her dog is an example and a hope for us that even in such a dramatic situation as a war, people remember their charges. They do not think only of themselves; animals are family to them. For us, Nina is the heroine, not us. A heroine who will always be remembered by us. Without your help, however, we would not be able to help anyone. So please support us financially so that we can continue to help those who need it so much.


Urgent! An intense bombing continued in Kharkiv yesterday. The animal shelter was also affected. One of the buildings was completely destroyed, 5 dogs died under its rubble. Four other buildings were damaged, 5 dogs escaped through the torn fence. Another 6 dogs are injured. Broken trees, fragments of walls lie in the area. Volunteers are cleaning up, repairing the damage. These incredibly brave women are not giving up. They continue to stay there with the dogs. We must help them!
Tomorrow we are carrying another delivery of food for the shelter in Kharkiv. It will be deposited at an agreed place in Lviv, from where it will be taken by transport organized by the shelter in Kharkiv. If any of you would still like to help, we would be very grateful. We need dog food, cat food, food for people and power banks. Everything can be delivered to our center in Szewce.
You can also add a penny to our collection. With the funds raised, we buy the necessary things and also transfer money to the shelter.
If you live outside Poland and want to support us, donate to our account: BPKOPLPWPL23102040270000110216926564, entitled „Help for Ukraine.”

PayPal: fundacja.benek@op.pl

Update 10.03.2022 at 03:00 pm

All dogs and cats from Ukraine have already arrived in Benkowo and are now resting. They tolerated the journey well. We will give more detailed information tomorrow. 

Update 10.03.2022 at 08:00 am

On the way back from Lviv, where we once again delivered food for needy animals from the animal shelter in Kharkiv, we took advantage of the fact that we had free seats in the car. We took people fleeing the war to Poland. From Lviv we took Dania, Maria and Lorina and their cat with us to Milanowek near Warsaw. All this would not have been possible without your support. Thanks to you we can, and we do everything we can to help wherever we can. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being with us and supporting us!

Update 09.03.2022 at 06:30 pm

On our return to Poland we are taking with us 30 cats, several adult dogs and puppies. Each of these animals will soon be looking for a permanent or temporary home. We will need your help in providing them with good care because we are preparing to receive the first batch of animals from Kharkiv, which is expected to happen soon. Thus, no later than Friday we will post on our website a complete list of animals with information about them and photos / videos and we will be waiting for contact from you.
At the same time we would like to ask you not to call or ask about the animals until Friday. At the moment the cars are heading towards Benków. Both the animals and each of the people who went to the eastern border tonight are tired and stressed. For now, the most important thing is to bring them safely to our centre and provide them with good conditions so that they can calm down and rest. 

Update 09.03.2022 at 04:00 pm


Ladies and Gentlemen! 
We thank you very much!
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the support and trust you have placed in us, because it is only thanks to you that we are able to bring help to animals and people in war-torn Ukraine today. 
Tonight we are on our way again. At the moment we are already in Lviv after unloading, where the food for the animals from the shelter in Kharkiv has been placed in a safe place. As before, it will be collected by transport organized by the animal keepers. We have also provided help for these people. 
These wonderful people risk their lives to fight for their animals. Out of love and care, they do their best to ensure the survival of the animals. Even the last bomb attack, in which one building was completely destroyed and another damaged and several dogs died, did not make them abandon their four-legged friends. 
They are real heroes for us!
We have the same respect for you, because most of you only know us from the internet and from the phone, but nevertheless, you have given us great trust by responding so numerously to our request. It is thanks to you that we can go to Ukraine with aid supplies. It is thanks to you that we have collected so much food. So much help from you! We thank you again from the bottom of our hearts. We are doing what we can to ensure that your support is distributed in the best possible way, where it is needed most.

Hint: You can turn on English or German Subtitles.

Update 09.03.2022 at 09:00 am


We thank our volunteers from the bottom of our hearts for their active involvement in the case. By sacrificing their time and risking their own lives, they bring help to the victims of the terrible war in Ukraine – people and animals. You are great!

Hint: You can turn on English or German Subtitles.

Update 09.03.2022 at 09:00 am


Ladies and Gentlemen
Michał Bednarek is on his way to Lviv. In the short video, he summarizes our latest activities. As you can see, there is a lot of work and even more animals and people in need. Please listen to what Michael would like to share with you. Please support us if you can – with food for animals that they need very badly.

Hint: You can turn on English or German Subtitles.

Our first car carrying donations to Ukraine, scheduled for today, has been loaded. It will go to the zoo in Kiev, the delivery is organized in cooperation with Polish zoos.
Many thanks to our wonderful volunteers for their help with the loading. We would also like to thank each one of you for your help in filling it in. This is a huge help, for which there, on the other side of the world, are waiting animals and their caretakers.

Update 08.03.2022


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, 
On behalf of the animals and the caretakers from the shelters in Kharkiv, we would like to thank you for your help. The food we delivered to Lviv was picked up by volunteers and brought to the shelter. At the same time, thanks to your help, we have financially supported the animal shelter in Kharkiv. Today we are also sending them funds for food, and tomorrow another transport to Lviv will start. As before, the recipient will be the animal shelter in Kharkiv. The food will be deposited at an agreed location, from where it will be collected by volunteers from the Kharkiv shelter, as before. Besides food for the animals, medicines for the animals and help for the caretakers are also on the way. We have food and power banks with us.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for your help. Without you we would not be able to help these people and animals. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support.

Update 07.03.2022


Tonight we managed to complete the transport of 13 cats and 4 dogs from Ukraine. Very long waiting on the border, many kilometers traveled, great tiredness of the animals and girls who carried them to Poland with great dedication. We took over the animals in Warsaw and after another journey, they are already resting at their destinations.

Some of the cats are pupils of Ms. Alina, who escaped from Ukraine before the war. Mrs. Alina hopes that she will be able to return home with her friends after the military actions are over. The rest of the animals went to our „Jagodzianki”. After quarantine, deworming, vaccinations, if there are no contraindications will be looking for the best adoptive homes.

Thank you so much for being with us. It is with your help that we can help!

Update 07.03.2022 09:18 am


On Saturday we received a huge amount of donations for animals and people. It is a support from UNA – Union für das Leben. This organization organized the collection of the most necessary things and their transport to our center in Szewce. It is a huge help. Especially the many donated animal carriers will come in handy! Thank you very much for the power of support. We are grateful for your kind words, for visiting us, for the time we spent together. Although we are divided by language, we are united by a desire to help.  

Update 07.03.2022 9:10 am


Our friends from Animal Partners have delivered to Benkowo more gifts for Ukraine. This time they brought a lot of help from Sweden. All parcels will be transported to Ukraine in the nearest transport. Both people and animals are waiting for them.
Together with us, Danusia and Bartek are helping those from whom the war has taken everything. Thanks to their commitment, we are also expecting a truckload of aid from good people in Sweden in the coming days.


Update 04.03.2022 at 10:46 pm


The girls are returning from Lviv, where they delivered the animal food. This food was a help for the animal shelter in Kharkiv (further transport was provided by animal keepers).
Maria and Ewa are at the moment after their first check-in at the border. They are not alone. They took everyone who fit in the car. There are a total of 13 people, two dogs and one cat. Too much to go on tour. But when standing for hours in line at the border, sometimes even a little favor is a great relief.

Update 04.03.2022 at 04:04 pm


We are in Ukraine. The food for the Kharkiv shelter has already been unpacked from our car and is waiting to be picked up by the Kharkiv Shelter Team. We also brought food for the pet sitters, they asked for it. The situation in the Kharkiv region is tragic. There is no food, no electricity, and you can hear shoots and the sound of explosions.

We ask all of you for help. We are planning another aid transport for Wednesday. Food for humans and food for animals is needed.


Hint: You can turn on English or German Subtitles.

Update 02.03.2022 08:14 PM


Another transport was just loaded in Warsaw. If all goes as planned, the car will cross the border in the morning. The transport goes to Lviv, where everything will be handed over to the dog caretakers from the Kharkiv shelter. The Kharkiv region is under military occupation. Your help saves these animals’ lives. In addition to pet food, we supported the shelter financially, because the situation there is dramatic, requiring immediate action.

The collection of food for animals from Ukrainian shelters is still ongoing. As long as we have enough food to carry, we will drive it to Ukraine until necessary. There, a handful of people with big hearts, risking their lives, stayed with their pupils. They try to protect the animals with all their strength, but without outside help, they are not able to do much.

Please send the food packages to Benków. Ul. Orzechowa 15, 63-004 Szewce, Poland

In the coming days, we will collect animal food again in Warsaw – we will inform you about the place and date.

Hint: You can turn on English or German Subtitles.

Update 02.03.2022


Ladies and gentlemen, 
Our brave volunteer has just arrived in Lviv. The plan was that someone from the Kharkiv shelter would come by bus and take the food from us. Unfortunately, due to what is happening in Ukraine, the team of the Kharkiv shelter may not come until tomorrow. Therefore, we decided that an animal shelter nearby Lviv may need our help. And we were right. There was a shelter with 300 dogs, where they had a huge problem buying food. What about the Kharkiv shelter? Thanks to your help, we managed to collect a lot of pet food. Thanks to that, we can go once more to Ukraine. Our volunteer Marek is already on his way to Warsaw, where he will refill the car and the trailer food. This time, our volunteer Maria will go to Ukraine, and she will provide animal food to people from the shelter in Kharkiv. We have an appointment with them tomorrow in Lviv.  They have about 600 dogs, and they have nothing to eat anymore. Thanks to your quick help and support, they will receive some food tomorrow and they will breathe a sigh of relief. But this is just a drop in the ocean of what they need.

We thank you on behalf of these two shelters. And in ours. We are deeply touched when we see how everyone works together to help those in need. Of course, we do not stop at these two deliveries. We still have a lot of work ahead of us, but each such success makes us very happy every time! We encourage you to continue supporting our Foundation so that we can provide even more help. Together with you!

Hint: You can turn on English or German Subtitles.

Update 02.03.2022 7:55 am


We want to thank you very much for such generous help! We collected lots of food that you’ve donated. Today we are sending help for the second time. This time we will provide support to the Ukrainian shelter in Kharkiv. Our car and trailer are already fully packed, but we won’t stop at this point. There are still animals in need – the food collection for dogs and cats from Ukrain still takes place.  At this very moment, we are packing the car and the trailer. Right after we finish, Marek will start his trip to Ukraine.

We are already preparing the next shipments to help animals in need in Ukraine. We hope that it will be soon possible to send the next car with dogs and cats food.
We beg you for your help and support. Together we can save many lives and support these people, who are helping animals in this poor country while risking their own lives.

If you want and can help, please donate entitled “Food for dogs from Kharkiv”

Fundacja BENEK, ul. Orzechowa 15, 63-004 Szewce, Poland


If you live outside Poland and want to support us, donate to our account: BPKOPLPWPL23102040270000110216926564
PayPal: fundacja.benek@op.pl


We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all your help!


Update 01.02.2022

The first dogs already crossed the Polish border. Right after this, we took them to our friend Jagoda. Now we will find them new, safe houses. If you want to offer a temporary or permanent home contact us at the email address: kontakt@fundacjabenek.pl or call Michael +48 506 349 596.

Uptade 01.03.2022 9:19 am


The food collection takes place all the time. There’s still free space in the car and the trailer. Please help us to fill them with food for the animals.

A big THANK YOU for all your support.
Your help makes a big difference.